WHat does it mean to be free?
Hi, I'M Dan Perry creator of yearnfree.com.
My goal is to create a resource for those who wish to open their mind to a different way of thinking. One that values freedom of ideas and encourages new ways of thinking. While we here at yearnfree.com consider ourselves to be libertarian and have a bias towards liberty and the free market, we encourage everyone to think for themselves and make their own decision. We as a Society use political parties to put people in a box. Here at yearnfree we believe that although they can be useful at times these boxes create an opportunity for people to judge each other based on stereotypes of that party rather than the actual beliefs of the individual. This allows us to blow off an individual’s ideals without ever considering them. I call this guarding your ignorance, and it prevents us from growth, as individuals, and as a society.
In the words of Albert Einstein “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” I would like to ask you to join me in giving up the word fact. In doing so we are acknowledging that we know nothing and that even those things we are most set in believing, can be wrong. Some questions might not even have an answer, and that’s ok. Am asking that you take everyone’s ideas, no matter how radical they may seem serious. This is how we move forward and end the divide in our world.